Steam bread puding. Meanwhile, for sauce, combine butter, sugar, water, egg and lemon juice in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Then, the pudding is slowly steamed over a few hours.
Gambar tersebut adalah hasil dari Resep Langkah Cepat Membuat Steam bread puding yang Sedap.
No Bake Bread Pudding Recipe is a simple and delicious dessert that can be put together in a matter of minutes.
The flavors of vanilla and the process of steaming makes this pudding soft and delicious.
Adding the walnuts, strawberries and blueberries take a dish to yet another level, making it absolutely lip smacking.
Anda dapat menyiapkan Steam bread puding dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 2 langkah-langkahnya di bawah ini.
Resep dan bahan Steam bread puding yang perlu Anda siapkan:
- Hidangkan Roti tawar.
- Hidangkan Susu uht.
- Siapkan Margarin.
- Siapkan Telur.
- Hidangkan Keju.
- Siapkan Biskuit regal.
- Hidangkan Air.
- Sajikan Gula.
It is one of those dishes that can be prepared in a jiffy. Somehow, the steam pressure and baking soda work to make the pudding expand and be lighter. When water leaked in, and the pressure leaked out, the product was very dense, and not the enjoyable cake-like product I wanted. Steamed Bread Pudding can be eaten just as it is, as a sweet bread, but we were spoiled and always put a sweet sauce on it.
Langkah dalam menyiapkan Steam bread puding:
- Potong roti tawar, lalu letakan di alumunium foil.
- Campurkan susu UHT, telur, gula dan margarin cair, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Lalu tuang di atas potongan roti tawar tadi. Beri taburan keju dan biskuit marie regal. Lalu kukus kurleb 20 menit.
This bread pudding is very versatile and lovely in texture. Christmas time can inspire a bread pudding by simply substituting a good-quality eggnog for the milk (or part of it). Also add a pinch of nutmeg and mace to produce a sumptuous holiday dessert. Otherwise, enjoy this just as it is with a dollop of whipped cream. Keyword: bread pudding, old bread, pudding, pudding recipe, simple recipe, steamed bread Author: Olive Stale bread, eggs and condensed milk is all you really need to make this, but adding raisins make it more delicious for me.
Harapan kami dengan olahan di atas dengan Resep tips menyiapkan Steam bread puding yang sedap dapat membantu Anda menyiapkan masakan atau makanan yang yummy untuk kelaurga ataupun menjadi inspirasi dalam berbisnis kuliner.Resep Kue dan Roti lainnya silakan klik Beranda.