Roti canai. 'Roti canai' or 'roti prata' is a flatbread of Indian origin and is extremely loved in countries like Malaysia and Singapore. Usually eaten with dhal curry, fish or chicken curry, it is sometimes served sweet with condensed milk, bananas or even chocolate cream. Roti canai is a popular breakfast and snack dish in Malaysia, and one of the most famous examples of Malaysian Indian cuisine.
Berikut adalah olahan dari Resep Tips Menyiapkan Roti canai yang Nikmat.
This is the authentic recipe used by the Mamak (Indians) in Malaysia.
The recipes that have margarine or eggs and milk are not the ones they use in those Indian food stalls.
Roti canai is a very popular flat bread in Malaysia.
Anda dapat memasak Roti canai dengan memakai 5 bahan dan 4 instruksi pembuatannya sebagai berikut.
Resep dan bahan Roti canai yang perlu Anda siapkan:
- Siapkan 500 gram Tepung segitiga biru.
- Sajikan Butter secukupnya Saja ya liat adonan nya.
- Hidangkan 1 biji Telor.
- Siapkan Garam.
- Siapkan Daun bawang.
Originated from southern India, roti canai is sometimes called roti paratha or roti prata. These roti are modified and made famous by Mamak (Muslim-Indian) hawkers and street stalls all over the Malaysia. They are crispy, buttery and flaky. Roti canai if translated directly from Malay language would be "Flattened bread".
Instruksi dalam membuat Roti canai:
- Campur tepung terigu bersama butter...telor...garam...air...daun bawang.
- Uleni adonan hingga lembut & bisa di bentuk jng terlalu banyak air biar adonan tidak lembek.
- Di bentuk menurut selera masing2 ya.
- Panaskan di tefton sedikit butter untuk menggorengnya.
Canai is flattened or more accurately is the method of throwing the bread dough in the air in a spinning motion, with the objective of getting thinner and bigger flat dough. How to make authentic Malaysian flatbread or famously known as roti canai. Fluffy and soft with crispy edges. This homemade dough is very easy to prepare and manipulate. Crispy and fluffy homemade Roti Canai (Roti Paratha) with step-by-step instructions.
Semoga praktek kami dengan olahan di atas dengan Resep tips menyiapkan Roti canai yang sedap dapat menolong Anda memasak masakan atau makanan yang nikmat untuk kelaurga ataupun menjadi inspirasi dalam berbisnis kuliner.Resep Kue dan Roti lainnya silakan klik Beranda.